Manchester Metropolitan University

Full information about Establishment and university Manchester Metropolitan University at All Saints Building, All Saints, Manchester, England M15 6BH. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


All Saints Building, All Saints, Manchester, England M15 6BH
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+44 161 247 2000


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Manchester Metropolitan University

Reviews about Manchester Metropolitan University

  • James Jarrard
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
    Great university with a diverse range of subjects from business, to tech, to performing arts. They also run a one of a kind Digital Apprentice scheme where your degree will be fully sponsored by your chosen business. One day a week study while working 4, an amazing opportunity for anyone put off by loans.

    The campus itself is very clean and modern, with lots of canteens and rest areas, the library is well stocked and sociable for those who want to study with others.

    There are hundreds maybe thousands of computers available and a handy campus computer availability application running on various displays dotted about.

    The lecture halls are mostly equipped with high tech audio equipment and projectors. Very spacious and modern in a standard class.

    The lecturers have all been helpful and friendly in my experience and haven't heard any students appose my description.

    Transport: oxford road station is 10 minutes walk, and Piccadilly around 15-20, Mobikes and bike lockups are available around campus. Oxford road is also a major transport route for busses too, for a quick journey to Piccadilly gardens etc.
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